
Water/Sewer Bill Penalties

There have been some questions about when the water/sewer utility bills are due. The bill is always due on the 25th of the month. Early in the day, on the 26th of each month, a village employee collects all payments received from the US Postal Service and the drop-box at the community building, All payments that have been received at that time are considered on-time and will not be penalized. Any payment received after that date is subject to the 10% penalty. Please be aware that payments dropped off in the drop slot or received in the mail after the 25th will be penalized.

Please call 468-2476 or email me at with any questions.

January 21, 2017|

2017 AO Baseball/Softball Youth League Sign-up Info

AO Baseball/Softball youth league sign up dates:

Sat. January 14th 12-2pm
Sat. January 21st 2-4pm
Sat. January 28th 12-2pm
Wed. February 1st 5-7pm

All sign up locations are at the Oreana Firehouse. Registration forms will be passed out to the kids at school the week they are back from winter break.

Sign up fees are $75+$25 concession fee. A late fee of $35 will be charged after February 1st. NO SIGN UPS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER FEBRUARY 15th. Low income scholarships are available. If you have more than 2 children in your family you only have to pay for 2. Any questions contact Steve Ryan or Jennifer Hupp.

December 31, 2016|

Village Board Agenda

The Agenda for the September 20, 2016 Village Board Meeting has been posted. Click here to view it.

September 16, 2016|

Board Meeting Agenda

Next week’s Village Board Agenda has been posted.

Click here to view it.

August 13, 2016|

Park Improvements

Over the past few years, the Village, like most municipalities in the State of Illinois, has kept a close eye on expenditures. While we continue to allocate our available revenues very carefully, we have chosen to update some areas of the Village Park. The first major update was to the iconic wooden playground near the pavilion. This equipment was considered for removal after the wood began showing serious signs of aging and the area around the playground became less and less appealing.

After considering the cost of installing a new playground, it was decided to attempt refurbishing the current wooden playground and hopefully give it a few, or many more years of life! The photo below shows that the former wooden, worn surface has been coated with a truck-bed liner. This coating has essentially sealed the wood, leaving a fresh new look to the equipment. In addition, after hearing safety concerns from parents, we have added additional bars so that a small child cannot walk off of the playground as easily as they could have in the past. We have also dug out the area around the playground and installed new pea-gravel. We hope to do more to make this area even better, but the improvements so far have made this area look much better.





Other improvements are currently underway or in the works. Some of the updates include: restrooms are being re-painted and cleaned, walking path sprayed for weeds and edged, trees being trimmed or removed, landscaping around the Gazebo being refreshed and trimmed, and filling holes through-out the park.

Do you have an idea for the park? If so, hit the “submit a request” button above and let us know. By the way, did you know you can reserve the pavilion right here at this website? Click above where is says “Reserve the Pavilion”. We will receive your request and respond in a couple of days!


July 7, 2016|
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