Curbside Leaf Collection
The Village of Oreana will again be providing curbside leaf vac service. Please place your leaves at the curb. No limbs, branches, or sticks will be collected.
Collection days will be based on weather and contractor availability. Come back to this page for exact dates.
Next collection date is: December 2nd.
2023 Municipal Election Info
Petitions packets are now available for the Consolidated Election to be held on April 4, 2023. To obtain a petition packet, please contact the Village Clerk at 468-2476. The filing period for petitions is 8:00 AM on Dec. 12 2022 through 5:00 PM on Dec. 19, 2022. The following municipal offices will be voted upon: Trustee 4 year term (Elect 3) and Trustee 2 year unexpired term (Elect 2 to fulfill the remainder of a vacancies from the 2021 consolidated election).
The boil order for Sunset Ct. is now lifted.
Oil and Chipping of Streets
DUNN Co. will be in Oreana on July 6-7th to oil and chip all Village Streets. All streets will be restricted to NO PARKING during this time, until your street is complete. Vehicles left on the street will be towed.
Annual Clean-Up Day – June 18th
The annual clean-up day is June 18th. All items must be on the curb by 6:00 AM. On this day, residents can place un-limited amounts of junk, trash, and waste at the curb for collection by Waste Management. There are some items that WILL NOT BE accepted. NO Hazardous waste, oil, paint, lumber, concrete, electronics, tires, or appliances. For any other questions, contact Waste Management directly.
New Waste Hauling/ Recycling Provider for Oreana
**Changes coming to Oreana’s Garbage and Recycling Collection**
The Village of Oreana’s franchise agreement with Advance Disposal, which was purchased by Waste Management, is set to expire July 1st. At the April 19th Village Board Meeting, the board of trustees approved a proposal from GFL (formerly Area Disposal) to take over as Oreana’s Waste Hauling Provider.
As a part of the new agreement, recycling will be collected every other week. This is a nation-wide trend aimed at reducing fuel, wear on equipment, etc. While we would have preferred to keep every week recycling, the cost of doing so was not something the board wanted to agree to.
The monthly charges for weekly collection of trash, landscape waste, and every other week recycling will be $22.00. GFL will directly bill residents on a quarterly basis.
GFL will deliver one 95 gallon cart for trash collection to each resident. An additional 95 gallon cart will be provided upon request for no additional charge. GFL will also provide a recycling cart to residents that request one, or that are currently recycling. More information will be announced (trash day changes, etc) as we get closer to the transition date of July 1st.
We look forward to working with GFL to provide professional and efficient waste collection in Oreana.
Mayor Aaron Keathley