
Curbside Leaf Collection

The Village of Oreana will again be providing curbside leaf vac service. Please place your leaves at the curb. No limbs, branches, or sticks will be collected.

Collection days will be based on weather and contractor availability.

Tentative collection dates:

November 10th
November 16th and 17th
December 1st


November 9, 2023|

Electronics Recycling Event

Electronics Recycling Event (Registration Required)

June 10, 2023
Oreana Public Works Department
Saturday, June 10, 2023
9:00 am – 11:00 am 

The Village of Oreana and GFL will be providing an electronics recycling event for Village Residents. Appointments are required.

Click this link to make an appointment:

Eligibility Requirement:

You must be a resident of the Village of Oreana (within Village limits). Residents living in the surrounding area (Coulter’s Mill, etc are not able to participate). You must bring a copy of your water bill as proof of residency.

Items NOT Accepted

Ballast, capacitors, E-Cigarettes, Freon containing items (air conditioners, dehumidifiers), gas cylinders, household batteries (AA, AAA, C, D, Lithium Batteries), light bulbs, liquids, medical equipment, microwaves, smoke detectors, VHS cassette tapes, white goods (dishwashers, refrigerators, stoves, washers/dryers).

Accepted Items

Cables, cable boxes, cash registers, cellular phones, computers, computer parts, computer peripherals, copiers, cords, CRT monitors, external drives (all types), fax machines, scanners, keyboards, laptops, LCD monitors, mouse, MP3/iPods/etc…, networking equipment, PDS’s, printers, printer cartridges, projectors, satellite dishes, servers, stereos, toner cartridges, TV’s, typewriters, UPS units (uninterrupted power supplies), VCRs, video game consoles. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Blenders (without glass), bread makers, cameras, carpet sweepers, coffee makers (without glass), clocks, curling irons, electric knives, electric toothbrushes, fans, food sealing equipment, fryers, nail cutters, hair dryers, holiday lights, irons, radios, shaving equipment, toaster ovens, vacuum cleaners (without bags)

April 30, 2023|

Village of Oreana Curbside Cleanup Day

Village of Oreana Curbside Cleanup
Saturday, June 10, 2023
Set out “bulky-items” by 6am

Get rid of old furniture, mattresses, and stuff you can’t fit in a garbage cart!
Items must be the curb by 6am


GFL can NOT take the following items:

Appliances (white goods)
Yard Waste
Hazardous Material (oil, gas, solvents)
E-Waste (computers, TV’s, electronics)

For curbside cleanup:
1. Volume limited to approximately 6 cubic yards of material.
2. Construction debris must be bundled, be less than 5-feet in length, and weigh less than 50-pounds per bundle.
3. No concrete

April 24, 2023|

Pre-Filing Notice

NOTICE is hereby given that the office of Village of Oreana Clerk

will be open on December 12th- 16 from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM and December 19th from 4:00-5:00 pm for the purpose of accepting candidate petitions or certificates for the consolidated election to be held on April 4, 2023 for the following offices:

Village Trustee (four year term): 3 positions

Village Trustee (unexpired two-year term): 2 positions

December 6, 2022|
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