
Road Work Coming Soon to Oreana

The Village of Oreana is in the process of scheduling our Oil-and Chip work for this season. We do not have exact dates yet, but the work will likely take place in the next month or so.

Final dates will be posted to this website and on Facebook once they are finalized.

This year, the following streets will be oiled and chipped: South View St, West Plains Dr, Rayjon Dr, View Dr, View Circle, Park Ct, Westmoor Ct, and Westmoor Dr.

June 29, 2015|

Welcome from the Mayor

Thank you for visiting the Village of Oreana’s website. This website has been developed to connect current and prospective residents with the Village and their community, providing the opportunity to access a wide-variety of information. From this site, residents can keep up to date with current events, download meeting minutes and agendas, reserve the park pavilion, and more. Please take a few minutes and look around. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, submit a request.

— Mayor Aaron Keathley

June 20, 2015|

Boil Order in Effect

Update: 6/23/2015, the boil order has been LIFTED.

As of 8:00 p.m., 6/19/2015, There is a BOIL ORDER in effect for all locations East of Rt. 48 in Oreana. This included E. South, E. Bower, E. Belle, Prairie, and E. Burgess. Water should be brought to a rolling boil before consumption.

June 19, 2015|

Update of Village Police Services

Oreana PoliceResidents will soon notice that the Village of Oreana Police Department has undergone some changes. First, our vehicle has been re-lettered for better identification as the “Oreana Police” Vehicle. In addition, Oreana will now directly employ part-time officers to patrol the Village. Officers will still be dispatched the same way — continue to call 9-1-1 for emergencies, and 424-1311 for non-emergency issues.

At tonight’s Village Board Meeting, Mayor Keathley appointed two new police officers to serve the Village. Officer Mark Rade and Office Keith Mullins have been sworn in and will start their service immediately. The appointments were unanimously approved by the Village Board.

Officer Mark Rade retired from the Macon County Sheriff’s Office earlier this year. Officer Rade has decades of experience in law enforcement and is very familiar with Oreana as he previously served Oreana as a Deputy Sheriff.

Officer Keith Mullins retired from the Decatur Police Department last year and also has extensive experience in law enforcement. During his tenure with the Decatur Police, Officer Mullins serves as a field training officer, and Master Firearms Instructor. Officer Mullins currently lives in Oreana.

I am excited to welcome these Officers to Oreana and look forward to their service.

Mayor Aaron Keathley

June 16, 2015|
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