Time and Place Of Opening Bids:
Public notice is hereby given that the Village of Oreana invites contractors to submit sealed BIDS for an offer to perform work to complete OREANA PARK PATH REHABILITATION PROJECT.
Sealed bids are to be received at Chastain & Associates LLC, 5 N. Country Club Road, Decatur, IL 62521, no later than 12:30 p.m. local prevailing time on June 10, 2019, and thereafter publicly opened and read. Bids are to be sealed and marked OREANA PARK PATH REHABILITATION PROJECT on the outside lower left hand corner of the envelope. A single stipulated sum bid will be received for ALL work.
Description Of Project:
The proposed improvement is officially known as:
The work included in this project consists primarily of: the rehabilitation of the existing
Oreana Park path pavement. The rehabilitation includes pulverizing, reshaping, and compacting the existing path, and then resurfacing with a 2″ hot mix asphalt overlay.
Instructions to Bidders:
1. Plans, specifications and proposal forms may be obtained from Chastain & Associates LLC, 5 N. Country Club Road, Decatur, IL 62521, 2174228544.
2. Payment $15.00 for printed copies shall be made to Chastain & Associates LLC for the cost of the plans and specifications, by BANK CASH IER’S CHECK, BANK DRAFT, CERTIFIED CHECK or COMPANY CHECK made payable to the order Chastain & Associates LLC. No refund will be made for the plans, specifications, or proposal forms re turned.
3. Plans and specifications are available for viewing at the following location:
Chastain & Associates LLC 5 N. Country Club Road Decatur, Illinois 62521
4. No refund will be made for plans, specifications or proposal forms returned.
will not release the Engineer’s Estimate of Cost in advance of the scheduled time and date of the bid opening.
6. All proposals must be accompanied by a BANK DRAFT, CASHIER’S CHECK, OR CERTIFIED CHECK made payable to the Village of Oreana, in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid, or BID BOND in the same amount.
7. Prior to award, the top three (3) bidders shall provide a copy of their Workers Compensation Experience Modifier or equivalent documentation for the current year and the previous two (2) years with explanation for any year’s Experience Modifier that is not a credit.
8. All contracts for this project are subject to the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130 et seq.). All work under this contract shall comply with the Employment of Illinois Workers on Public Works Act (30 ILCS 570 et seq.) and the Illinois Substance Abuse Prevention on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 265 et seq.).
9. Bids will be required to be submitted under a condition of irrevocability for a period of 30 days after submission. The owner reserves the right to waive any informality in the bids received, to determine the lowest responsible bidder or reject any or all bids.
10. Special attention shall be given to the construction schedule listed in the special provisions
Rejection of Bids:
The Village of Oreana, reserves the right to accept, negotiate or reject any or all proposals and to waive any variance from the requirements of the instructions for bidders. At the discretion of the Board, required items may be submitted after the bid opening if there is sufficient compliance with instructions at the time of the bid opening to permit the Board to determine the price bid.
Date Advertised: May 22, 2019 Village of Oreana:
Village Clerk:
Anne Kirby